英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 12:24:24
  • 单语例句

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1. " We found most criminal cases have something in common, " an official with the national campaign office said.

2. But they all have something in common - the established distribution of interests will be rearranged.

3. I think that's something that he and Helena have in common.

4. Four of Haiti's five Olympians at the London Games have something in common - they're not from Haiti.

1. That`s something we both have in common.


2. To this point, I think we have something in common.

3. I am glad that we have something in common with each other.


4. So you have something in common with her.

5. That's something we have in common.

6. What I have heard has something in common with what you have seen.

7. Speaking of the service hobby, Jennie and her younger sister do not have what something in common nearly


8. It seams like everything become peace, but in my heart i feel something has changed. my girl is no longer who i met before, she said she felt so sad about the northern girl because she jealousy, jealousy whatever i talked with northern girl, she said i had so many things the same with that girl, yeah, maybe it is so coincidence, we have so many common things, especially we were borned in the same, family the same surrounding. i think that is why we always have so many thing to talk, i do not know why my girl so care about it, just bucause the northern girl is female?


9. Beyond the cheesy sending a note through a friend, talk to them about something you both have in common.


10. In all of these places you will have something in common with others.

11. All the love stories have something in common. Once upon a time, I have


12. English and Chinese belong to Analytic Language, and they have something in common.

13. What they all have in common is that they combine fun with the opportunity to learn something.

14. Andrew: Good. Now we have something in common.

15. Perhaps we are still very unfamiliar, perhaps we in different cities, perhaps we have very little older, maybe we did different trades different projects, but we have a common name - business, we share a common dream -- Success, success very difficult, also a slap shoot film is not how loud, if we can有缘together, we can do something together like we are willing to do it the first to do things, we have to fight Shot for a local bandit group integrated into a highly efficient management and strict style of the Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army, all the financial resources to play their polymerization with the greatest effect, conscientiously, sense and spend five to ten years of Time, perhaps, the venture's success not far away from us.


16. But one thing that most of us agree on is thattrue friendship happens when people have something in common.


17. The contents of mineral elements, like Fe, in LMTCMs were higher than that of nor-LMTCM. The result of analysis of mineral element of 14 LMTCMs by ICP-MS method also showed the content of Fe have something to do with lung meridian tropism effects. The result of the study of platycodon radix approved the laws too. These laws were used to predict if the marine medicines have the lung meridian tropism effects.2. The Compatibility laws of Medicines and their chemical composition in LSP were studied by mining the data of the constituent herbs and their chemical composition. The results showed that the most constituent medicines of lung system prescriptions have lung meridian tropism. Radix glycyrrhizae, herba ephedrae, semen armeniacae amarum, fructus schisandrae Chinese and their compatibility are common in lung system prescriptions. Terpene, alkaloid, steroid, and flavanoid compounds and their compatibility are common in lung system prescriptions.3. The marine phycophyta medicines of LSP were studied by the same method.


18. Have something in common with sb.


19. It's a fact that all celebrities have something special in common.


20. Even the words that appear on the screen have something in common with the titles of silent films.

I am glad that we have something in common with each other.(我很高兴我们相互有共同之处。)
Diverse markets suddenly have something in common: the funds that have bought into them.(本来各不相同的(国际)市场突然有了一个相同点:是同样一批基金买家。)
But they all have something in common investors may be changing their minds about emerging markets.(但是它们有个共同点:投资者可能正在改变他们对于新兴市场的看法。)
Spider webs have something in common with guitar strings.(蜘蛛网和吉它弦有一些共同之处。)
Yet they have something in common: both involve the profligate deployment of resources.(然而这些行为却有着一些共同之处:它们都牵涉了大肆的资源挥霍。)
However, they all have something in common: the possibility of bringing your own contribution.(然而,他们都有一个共同点:在把自己的贡献的可能性。)
All the love stories have something in common. Once upon a time, I have that experience too.(所有的爱情故事都有相同之处,在我生命的某一时刻我也经历过这些,然而我已记不得这些。)
Traders and rodents also seem to have something in common.(交易员和啮齿类动物在其他方面也有共性。)
Well, Nannette, judging by those great tomes you are struggling with, we have something in common.(兰丽缇,从你阅读的那些大部头看来,我们有一些共同点。)
Choose someone with whom you have something in common.(选择那些和你有某些共性的人。)
have something in common是什么意思 have something in common在线翻译 have something in common什么意思 have something in common的意思 have something in common的翻译 have something in common的解释 have something in common的发音 have something in common的同义词